Monday, July 22, 2013

Landen + Haley = Baby | Gender Reveal

I know something you all don't know! :) 

But, it's okay. Because I'm about to share it with all of you. I'm thankful
that these two chose me to capture this moment and have the honor
of showing their friends and family what their little bundle of joy will be!
Ahh, I bet the anticipation is just killing all of you. So here it is.

Baby Dickey is a....

Daddy's happy about a boy! 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Raya & William | Couple

I spent my afternoon at the beach with these two today. 
It was a blast! And the beach wasn't crowded at all really, which
if you live around here is kinda shocking for a Sunday.
Anyway, these two were so laid back and fun to work with. 
We just breezed right through their session! 
Fun fact: Raya and William were married on that same
beach about 2 months ago! :) So sweet. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Canfield | Family

I wrapped up my day with this beautiful family. I mean it, they were some 
beautiful people! And it turned into such a pretty
evening for a session. 
Ashley made seriously the coolest tutu for their youngest daughter.
Seriously. It was adorable. I may have to enlist her help on 
a few things from now on. ;)
I'm so in love with this session I can't wait to share it with you!

See what I mean? Picture. Perfect.

Also, a mom of 3 and look at her! Geesh. Haha. 

Brandon | Birthday

I started my day off getting to party at Chuck E Cheese! How
awesome is that?! Brandon is a lucky little one year old.
He had a Mickey Mouse themed party, also awesome.
His cake and the little cupcakes were apparently made by a girl
who was on Cupcake Wars. Again I say awesome! :)

Happy birthday little man! 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Nora | Newborn

I just love my itty bitty clients. Playing with them seriously
makes my day. Nora came and hung out with me this morning. 
She brought her awesome big sister, and her parents. Together, we 
all endured the crazy heat in my studio, while Nora just slept right through it.
Ahh the life of a newborn. 
I'm practically melting over some of these shots. I can't wait to share.
So I will. 

Get ready for this. She had her toenails painted ya'll. Oh my goodness. *Swoon*

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cruz | Newborn

I got to play with this sweet baby again today! Ya'll, I mean it
when I say he is adorable. Oh my goodness. And his parents, awesome.
They were so laid back and helpful. Bless them.
Anyhow, I'll quit my babbling and get to the pictures.

This little guy was dressed to impress today!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Cruz | Newborn

We'd originally planned to do a birth story, but little Mr. Cruz had other plans.
So we decided to do a mini hospital shoot today before his newborn
session on Thursday. You all will get to see this sweet little guy twice this week!
Believe me, it's a treat. He's precious. Precious and very much
adored by his family. His big brother was especially fond of him.
I can't wait to show him to you all. 

Welcome to the world, Cruz.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bowers | Family

It was an absolutely beautiful night for a family beach shoot.
I've done a few shoots for Ali and Arin now, and this time, I got to
meet some more of the Bowers clan. They were all laid back,
and such a breeze to work with. I suppose it runs in the family! 

Sometimes, I'll catch a candid moment and it turns out to be one of my favorites from the session.
Mainly because it's raw, natural, and well, real. Theses shots are what I live for.